What is the cost to attend the dinners?
It all depends on the dinner and the venue. Some dinners could cost up to $100 or more. These dinners will have a speaker discussing a specific topic such as a local farmer, community leader, or an entrepreneur making a difference in our food system.
Other dinners have no cost other than what you order off the menu in a restaurant. However, these dinners will have a $30 deposit to ensure attendance. Attendees are expected to give 24 hours notice if they have to cancel.
Is there a membership fee?
No, but you are welcome to make a contributions to support Community Dining.
Are all dinners at restaurants?
Many dinners are at restaurants, but some take place at people’s homes and other private venues.
Do you only have dinners?
While the events have been mainly dinners so far, community dining is not restricted exclusively to dinners.
Why does Community Dining focus on conscious food sourcing?
Conscious food sourcing does not necessarily mean organic, a term that ironically gives an impression of healthiness without stimulating awareness. Community Dining simply aims to make us mindful of where our food comes from and how it gets to our plate. For example, how are the animals we eat treated? What do they eat? Are they injected with hormones and antibiotics? How many feet do they have to roam? How is bread made? Who mills it? Are the wheat and germ separated? What about the microbial richness of the soil? Does this richness produce healthier fruits and vegetables? How does the health of the soil relate to the health of our bodies?
Can I volunteer to help and if so, how can I do so?
Of course! You can help organize any type of event, whether it is neighborhood, health and wellness, or community engagement focused. Or please feel free to share any other ideas.
You can reach out by contacting paul@communitydining.com.