
3-21-25 Lunch with Chef Samantha DeMichael

2-28-25 Lunch with Chef Samantha DeMichael

1-24-25 Lunch with Chef Samantha DeMichael

1-16-25 Dinner with Chef Cleetus Friedman

12-13-24 Lunch with Chef Samantha DeMichael

11-14-24 Lunch with Chef Samantha DeMichael

9-24-24 Lunch with Chef Palita Sriratana

8-29-24 Lunch with Chef Samantha DeMichael

5-31-24 Conscious Capitalism Dinner in Dallas

5-9-24 Lunch with Chef Samantha DeMichael

3-26-24 Lunch with Pastry Chef Jimmy Macmillan

2-27-24 Lunch

1-22-24 Lunch

10-18-23 Lunch

8-17-23 Conscious Capitalism Dinner with Chef Alvin Yu

2-10-23 Ukrainian Dinner with Chef Alvin Yu

12.17.22 Brunch at The Warbler

12-17-22 Brunch at The Warbler

11-11-22 Ancestral Dinner

4.7.16 – The Kitchen Anniversary Dinner

4.25.16 – Community Engagement Dinner

5.2.16 – Paleo Event at Grange Hall Burger Bar

5.25.16 – Uncommon Ground Paleo Dinner

5.28.16 – Chutney Devis South Indian Food Vegan Dinner

9.26.17 Dinner at Private Home with Hemp-infused Dessert


7.16.20 Racial Justice Discussion

2.15.20 FlavCity Cooking Demo

8.12.18 Jeffersonian Dinner Focused on Animal Welfare

12.17.22 Brunch at The Warbler

10.22.19 Most Likely to Succeed Film Screening

9.14.19 Masculinity Dinner

8.3.19 FlavCity Cookbook Party at Pre

3.16.19 Sustainable Food Systems Dinner

2.15.19 What Does it Mean to be Healthy Dinner

11.15.18 Art is for Everyone Dinner

10.26.18 Head to Head Documentary and Authenticity, Identity, & Inclusion Discussion

10.15.18 Animal Welfare Listening Session with Paul Vallas

8.11.18 Jeffersonian Dinner Focused on Animal Welfare

6.16.18 Jeffersonian Dinner Focused on Social Media and How it Affects our Lives

6.9.18 Jeffersonian Dinner Focused on Gun Control and the Bill of Rights

5.19.18 Third Anniversary Party at Pre

4.7.18 Health Care Focused Jeffersonian-themed Dinner

3.16.18 Capitalism and Entrepreneurship Focused Jeffersonian Dinner

12.31.17 NYE Dinner Prepared by Fast Lane to Health


11.09.17 Dinner at Private Home in Bridgeport catered by Kitchfix with Publican Quality Bread, Simple Mills Crackers (4 flavors) and chocolate chip cookie, Simple Squares, and Tiny But Mighty Popcorn

10.10.17 Dinner at Private Home in Ukrainian Village with Superfood Fudge Brownies, Publican Quality Bread, Simple Mills Crackers, and Tiny But Mighty Popcorn

10.1.17 Dinner at Private Home in Lakeview featuring Gunthorp Farms Chicken, Baker Miller Polenta, Publican Quality Bread, and Phyter Food Energy Bars

3.11.17 Culinary Activism Dinner with Nari Safavi, WBEZ Radio Host


2.15.17 Dinner & Discussion of Gentrification with Alderman Joe Moreno


1.18.17 Rumi Spice Event with Euroluxe Interiors



12.22.16 Native Foods Cafe Dinner with Drew Thomas, School Garden Coordinator at Chicago Public Schools


12.1.16 Yoga-themed Vegan Dinner

10.19.16 Fair Trade Dinner at Read It & Eat

9.17.16 Ayurvedic Dinner prepared by Monica Yearwood

8.18.16 Sustainable Farming Practices Dinner at Jam

7.20.16 Vegan Dinner at Local Foods

6.8.16 Sitka Salmon Shares Dinner

3.8.16 – The Joint Chiropractic Dinner

2.10.16 – Lula Cafe Dinner

12.3.15 – Rumi Spice Dinner

6.27.15 – Lula Cafe Dinner with State Rep. Will Guzzardi

5.19.15 – Birthday Dinner at Tre Soldi

4.30.15 – Browntrout Dinner

4.4.15 – Uncommon Ground Kickoff Dinner